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door to door campaign

The Door-to-Door Campaign is a dynamic and grassroots initiative, where passionate fundraisers engage directly with the community to garner support for the Community Meal Share Program. Armed with the mission to combat food insecurity, our dedicated team visits neighborhoods, sharing compelling stories and raising awareness about the critical issue at hand. Through genuine conversations and personal connections, fundraisers seek one-time or monthly donations to sustain the program. This personalized approach not only fosters a sense of community engagement but also allows individuals to become active contributors to a cause that directly impacts their local community. The Door-to-Door Campaign is the heartbeat of our fundraising efforts, embodying the spirit of collective action and community support that lies at the core of the initiative.

schools program (own clothes/raffle)

Introducing our Schools Program—a comprehensive educational initiative aimed at raising awareness and empowering the next generation to combat food waste and food insecurity. Through this program, we provide schools with free downloadable resources, designed to be seamlessly incorporated into their curriculum after a briefing from our dedicated team. Teachers can lead engaging sessions on the importance of reducing waste, cooking skills, and the impact of food poverty.

Moreover, we invite schools to actively participate in fundraising for the Community Meal Share Program. Annually, schools have the opportunity to organize events such as own clothes days, raffles, bake sales, or other collective activities to support our mission. By extending the message to as many schools as possible, we aim to educate and inform not only students but also teachers and parents about the pressing issues of food insecurity. Join us in nurturing a generation that values sustainability, empathy, and collective action. Together, we can make a lasting impact on both awareness and action.

  • Introduction to Food Waste and Food Insecurity:

    • Provide an overview of what food waste and food insecurity are.
    • Illustrate the global and local impact of these issues.
  • Importance of Reducing Waste:

    • Explain the environmental, economic, and social implications of reducing food waste.
    • Highlight the role of individuals and communities in making a positive impact.
  • Cooking Skills and Nutrition:

    • Offer basic cooking tips and recipes that are easy for children to follow.
    • Emphasize the importance of nutritious meals for health and well-being.
  • Understanding Food Poverty:

    • Define and discuss the concept of food poverty.
    • Share stories or examples to help children understand the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity.
  • Interactive Activities:

    • Include engaging activities such as quizzes, games, and group discussions to reinforce key concepts.
    • Encourage students to share their thoughts and experiences related to food waste and food insecurity.
  • Teacher's Briefing Material:

    • Develop a separate set of materials for teachers, providing them with background information, discussion points, and guidance on delivering the content effectively.
  • Fundraising Guide:

    • Include a guide on how schools can organize fundraising events, like own clothes days, raffles, bake sales, or other activities.
    • Provide tips on promoting events within the school community.
  • Feedback Mechanism:

    • Establish a system for schools to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the resources and suggestions for improvement.

  • year groups align as follows:

    1. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):

      • Pre-School (ages 3-4)
      • Reception (ages 4-5)
    2. Key Stage 1 (KS1):

      • Year 1 (ages 5-6)
      • Year 2 (ages 6-7)
    3. Key Stage 2 (KS2):

      • Year 3 (ages 7-8)
      • Year 4 (ages 8-9)
      • Year 5 (ages 9-10)
      • Year 6 (ages 10-11)
    4. Key Stage 3 (KS3):

      • Year 7 (ages 11-12)
      • Year 8 (ages 12-13)
      • Year 9 (ages 13-14)
    5. Key Stage 4 (KS4):

      • Year 10 (ages 14-15)
      • Year 11 (ages 15-16)
    6. Sixth Form (Post-16):

      • Year 12 (ages 16-17)
      • Year 13 (ages 17-18)

  • structure:

    1. Introduction and Orientation:

    • Overview of the Program: Provide a brief introduction to the Community Meal Share Program, its mission, and how schools can actively participate.

    • Teacher's Briefing Session: Conduct a session for teachers to familiarize them with the downloadable resources, discuss key talking points, and offer guidance on facilitating discussions.

    2. Educational Resources for Schools:

    • Tailored Resources by Year Groups: Develop downloadable resources for each year group, aligning with the age-appropriate content outlined earlier.

    • Interactive Activities: Include quizzes, games, and discussions to engage students actively in learning about food waste, food insecurity, and sustainable practices.

    3. Teacher-Led Sessions:

    • In-Class Sessions: Encourage teachers to integrate the resources into their lesson plans, fostering class discussions and interactive activities.

    • Hands-On Cooking Sessions: Suggest practical cooking sessions where students can learn simple, nutritious recipes, emphasizing the importance of cooking skills.

    4. Fundraising Component:

    • Fundraising Guide: Provide a comprehensive guide for schools on how to organize fundraising events.

    • Annual Fundraising Events: Encourage schools to host annual events such as own clothes days, raffles, bake sales, or other collective activities to raise funds for the Community Meal Share Program.

    • Recognition and Rewards: Consider acknowledging schools that actively participate and excel in fundraising efforts, fostering healthy competition and motivation.

    5. Evaluation and Feedback:

    • Feedback Mechanism: Establish a system for schools to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the resources and fundraising initiatives.

    • Impact Assessment: Consider implementing a method to measure the impact of the Schools Program in terms of awareness, engagement, and funds raised.

    6. Recognition and Appreciation:

    • Certificates or Awards: Acknowledge schools, teachers, and students for their active participation and contributions to the program.

    • Highlight Success Stories: Share success stories of schools that have made a significant impact through their engagement and fundraising efforts.

    7. Ongoing Support:

    • Community Engagement: Encourage schools to stay involved in community initiatives related to food waste and food insecurity beyond the program.

    • Yearly Updates: Provide yearly updates on the progress of the Community Meal Share Program and how the funds raised have made a difference.

    8. Promotion and Awareness:

    • Promotional Material: Provide promotional materials that schools can use to create awareness within their communities.

    • Engage Local Media: Encourage schools to engage local media to amplify the message and showcase their contributions to the program.

  • workplace raffle

    Workplace Raffles offer a unique and engaging way for employees to contribute to the Community Meal Share Program while fostering a sense of camaraderie within the workplace. This initiative encourages businesses and organizations to organize raffles as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts. Employees can purchase raffle tickets, with exciting prizes up for grabs. The funds raised go directly towards supporting the program's mission to alleviate food insecurity. Workplace Raffles not only provide an avenue for employees to contribute collectively but also create a positive workplace culture centered around giving back to the community. It's a win-win scenario where the workplace becomes a hub for both philanthropy and team-building, contributing to a shared goal of making nutritious meals accessible for those in need.

    corporate partnerships

    lottery funding
